An Enormous Thank You to the Hexordia Team for an Incredible 2024!

As 2024 draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to the amazing team here at Hexordia. This year has been one of phenomenal growth, innovation, and dedication, and it wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you.

A Year of Learning and Sharing

We significantly expanded our course offerings in 2024. We introduced the brand new Hexordia Mac Analysis Course (HMAC) and the Hexordia Digital Forensics Fundamentals (HDFF) course, providing a strong foundation for digital forensics professionals. We also revamped the ever-popular Hexordia Data Structures Course (HDSC), extending it to two days and incorporating new content on SEGB and Android Binary XML (ABX) data structures. Additionally, we catered to the specific needs of multiple state and federal organizations by crafting custom training programs.

The launch of our new learning management system,, marked a significant milestone. This platform now hosts our virtual live and on-demand courses, making our expertise accessible to a wider audience than ever before. We're thrilled to see over 1500 learners already registered and actively expanding their skillsets.

Spreading Knowledge on the Global Stage

Hexordia's commitment to knowledge sharing extended far beyond our own courses. Our team actively participated in a wide range of conferences throughout the year. We delivered insightful talks at DFIR Summit, Magnet User Summit (both physical and virtual), National Cyber Crime Conference, HTCIA, Techno Security, Northwest ICAC, DFRWS (US, EU, and APAC), IACIS, FLETC Cycon, and FL ICAC. I was honored to share with audiences delivering keynotes at Shecurity and the ECrime Symposium. We also provided expertise on webinars for groups such as the National Association of Attorney Generals (NAAG) and the Interpol Digital Forensic Evidence Group (DFEG).

But our contributions weren't limited to presentations. We also delivered a dozen hands-on workshops at conferences and community events, fostering a spirit of collaboration and practical learning.

Giving Back to the Community

Hexordia is deeply committed to giving back to the digital forensics community. We were once again honored to create the Magnet 2024 Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge, and we're already hard at work developing the even more exciting 2025 edition. We hope you will play and learn! Of course we ensured that we contributed the data sets to NIST CFReDS (Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets)  We also shared valuable knowledge through 12 informative blog posts covering topics like iOS Inactivity Reboot, FS Events, Deserializing NS Key Archives, and data structures. Additionally, we expanded our website content to include information on Offensive Security, reflecting our growing service offerings in this area - check out the videos there to learn more!

Beyond blogs and courses, we directly empowered the community by releasing two free tools: Evanole Community Edition and an FSMon-iOS-arm64e adaptation. These tools provide valuable resources for digital forensics professionals worldwide.

Team Growth and Continued Development

Our incredible team is the heart and soul of Hexordia. We're thrilled to have grown from 12 members at the end of 2023 to a team of 34 passionate individuals today. This expansion is partly fueled by the 5 new government services and research contracts we were awarded in 2024.

While experiencing significant growth, we haven't forgotten the importance of giving back to our local community. We provided forensic services to support law enforcement investigations across multiple jurisdictions. Additionally, our team members actively volunteer their expertise with organizations like the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE), NIST OSAC, HTCIA, and CybHER.

We also prioritize the continuous development of our team. Throughout the year, we invested in training sessions led by experts from iPad Rehab, CAT Labs, Technologeeks, and other industry leaders. This ensures our team stays at the forefront of the ever-evolving digital forensics landscape.

A Heartfelt Thank You

As we look back on 2024, I am filled with immense joy for everything we've accomplished together. But most importantly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the incredible team at Hexordia. Your dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to finding truth in data are the driving forces behind our success. Here's to an even more remarkable 2025!

I also want to take a moment to thank the Digital Forensics Community! Thank you for reading our blogs, taking our classes, participating in our workshops and webinars, attending our presentations - but more importantly, thank you for your commitment to your cases and your work and to those you serve. Thank you. 


Jessica Hyde

Founder, Hexordia


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